
Try to enjoy each moment.

Parents & Parents to be,

They say time flies & they aren't wrong.  As overused as that statement might be, it is also incredibly accurate.

Another sentiment that I hold tightly to is one that I first heard from my Mom. She told me every age is the best. 

Can I just add something to that?

What makes one age difficult is sometimes what makes the next easier.

I didn't choose to become a parent because it was easy. It's tough but also incredibly rewarding.

Try to enjoy each moment. Know that the hard days will pass.

Don't forget to go with your gut. You know your child best. It's okay if you don't follow every piece of advice you are given.

You are not alone on this journey!


My top 4 parenting hacks / advice

Hack 1
Find a way that works for you to stay organized! This applies to to-do lists, toys, a laundry system….I could go on! It isn’t a one size fits all approach but spend some time thinking through what works for you to help your lives flow better.

Hack 2
Slow down. Time passes quickly so don’t forget to create moments where there isn’t something pressing on your agenda. It’s okay to not have plans.

Hack 3
Pick your absolutes. I have several things that are important to me that I make sure happen even if we have a crazy day. It could be a hot shower or waking up before the kids to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning stillness.

Hack 4
You’re human. You make mistakes! Remember you aren’t perfect and give yourself grace. Some days, you’ll say and do the wrong things. Don’t be afraid to apologize and learn from those mistakes.

7 questions about my journey

When did you become a parent?

My first daughter was born on August 18, 2018. I love that her birthdate is 8-18-18!

How was the 1st night home with your first child?

The first few nights I barely got any sleep. I think I managed an hour or two each night.

What is the hardest thing about being a parent?

It can be exhausting and a lot of the days seem to be the same.

What is a super power you wish you had?

I've always thought it would be amazing to fly!

Where is your favorite family vacation spot?

Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia! My husband and I got engaged there and that's where we went on our honeymoon. We try to visit once a year and it is such a special place for us.

What is your favorite thing to do with your kiddo(s)?

I love spending time together in our living room. It's where we play, read books, and listen to music. While that might not be the most exciting thing we do together, I love the normalcy of it.

How do you keep yourself sane with the stress of parenthood?

The support of my husband! He understands and appreciates what I do and is so encouraging.

Here are my personal favorites...

Hope you like them too!