
Everyone always says that raising tiny humans takes a village.

Dear YOU,

You're doing great! This whole "life" thing is really hard sometimes; especially when you have tiny humans.

Please don't be afraid to ask for help. We all need it sometimes.

We're all human and don't know how to handle everything that life throws our way.

Everyone always says that raising tiny humans takes a village, but in reality, making it through life takes a village and I'm here to be part of yours!

xoxo - 

My top 4 parenting hacks / advice

Hack 1
Add music to absolutely any activity and it automatically makes it fun. Singing and dancing while doing laundry? Heck YES!

Hack 2
Live Photo S A V E S lives! While I love my cameras; the Live Photo feature on iPhone has literally produced some of the best pictures I’ve taken of the kids!

Hack 3
Get messy! Mess means learning and exploring. Get comfortable with mess yourself; but teach them cause & effect! When we make a mess, we have to clean up after. Keep it real, make it fun.

Hack 4
If it makes your life easier, it’s great. Don’t listen to anyone else saying it’s “a waste.”

7 questions about my journey

When did you become a parent?

I became a Bonus Mommy in 2018 & then had my daughter in 2021!

How was the 1st night home with your first child?

A blur. She slept through the night, but I didn’t because I was too preoccupied with making sure she was breathing - what newborn sleeps through the night at 3 days old?

What is the hardest thing about being a parent?

Mom-Wife-Self balance. All of the hats need to be worn, but finding the balance between which one gets worn when and how often is…hard.

What is a super power you wish you had?

Flying or Teleporting. Both would come in SUCH handy!

Where is your favorite family vacation spot?

The most magical place on earth - Disney World!

What is your favorite thing to do with your kiddo(s)?

Anything outside. I’d say we love going for walks to the park most.

How do you keep yourself sane with the stress of parenthood?

By remembering that it’s a learning curve for everyone involved. I’ve never been a Mom or a Bonus Mom & they’ve never been a Baby & Bonus Baby before. We’re learning together every single day!

Here are my personal favorites...

Hope you like them too!