You've got this!

Dear fellow parent.

I'm just gonna come right out and say it:  YOU'VE GOT THIS!

We might not know each othehr (or know each other well yet) but I'm guessing we can relate in a lot of ways because we're parents.

Lack of sleep, exhaustion from chasing kids around, anxiety or worry over everything, financial pressure...

I know parenting can be tough - extremely tough - and there are likely days when you feel like you don't measure up.

I'm here to remind you that those feelings just aren't true.

To your child, you are EVERYTHING.

To your kids, you can do everything.

To the people who matter most, you are perfect.

❤️  Alyssa


My top 4 parenting hacks / advice

Hack 1
Trust your gut! There were so many times as a new parent that I ignored my intuition and went with what someone else (family member, doctor, friend) said and it pretty much never worked out. You know your kids best!

Hack 2
Take the help. When someone offers to help with the baby or make you a meal always say yes! I was reluctant to accept help in the beginning and I ended up completely exhausted and (honestly) lonely. Gosh, if I could go back in time I’d ask for all the help!

Hack 3
Embrace the chaos. As a super Type A person, having kids has been a huge lesson in flexibility and surrendering control. Once I started embracing it I started enjoying it a lot more. :)

Hack 4
Take care of you! The whole idea that moms (or dads) never gets to shower or forget to brush their teeth because they’re so busy with their kids—I get it. I’ve been there. You might think this is just how it is, but it doesn’t have to be. Put taking care of yourself first and you’ll be a happier human and better parent for it.

7 questions about my journey

When did you become a parent?

May 14, 2018. A little bit of a surprise, I spent my first Mother’s Day in labor and my son was born 5 weeks early.

How was the 1st night home with your first child?

A blur. My son slept well in the hospital but had other plans when we got home. He was up every 1-1.5 hours and I was up pretty much the whole night being anxious about when he would wake up. Ha!

What is the hardest thing about being a parent?

Tantrums...although I might just be saying that because that’s the season of life we’re in right now

What is a super power you wish you had?

I wish I could teleport. That would make travel a lot easier and cheaper.

Where is your favorite family vacation spot?

Well, COVID, so we haven’t traveled as a family of 4 yet. We had planned a trip to northern Michigan but had to cancel it. Hopefully this summer!

What is your favorite thing to do with your kiddo(s)?

Go for walks. It’s so fun to see their imaginations run wild and we can turn a walk into so many different games and chances to learn.

How do you keep yourself sane with the stress of parenthood?

Exercise, coffee, and wine. 👌🏼

Here are my personal favorites...

Hope you like them too!