Mewɔ anidasoɔ ampa sɛ Cupkin a wode bɛba w’abusua mu no bɛma mo ani agye sɛdeɛ ɛde yɛn deɛ brɛɛ no ​​ara pɛ.


Finding the best products for our kiddos is HARD! Not only are we fighting our own mind, but we are having to explain ourselves to others as well.

Personally, I've been ridiculed for using plastic, non-organic food, and doing things incorrectly as a mom since the day my son was born.

I'm sure most of you can relate. As hard as it is, I have honestly learned so much from these situations. Sometimes people are right and other times people are wrong. 

I have found the best thing to do, for me, is to quiet the noise of my mind and others, then do the research.  After doing research of my own, I decide what is best for my family. I will always encourage others to do the same.

I have chosen Cupkin for my family because their products suit our needs and lifestyle. We have decided to move away from plastic, so finding Cupkin has been amazing! 

My absolute favorite product is their Stainless Steel Kids Cup. It keps beverages cold for hours, is dishwasher safe, and the straws are simply the best! 

I truly hope bringing Cupkin into your family will bring you just as much joy as it brought ours.


Me top 4 awofoyɛ hacks / afotu

Hack 1. Ɔde ne nsa kyerɛɛ ne so
Sɛ wowɔ abofra bi a ɔbɔ fam tu mmirika anɔpa a, fa agode anaa dwumadi ahorow bi si hɔ anadwo a edi kan no na ama woatɔ bere bi a wode bɛnom kɔfe anaa woayɛ anɔpaduan!

Hack 2. Ɔde ne nsa kyerɛɛ ne so
Sɛ nneɛma bi wɔ hɔ a wo ba no renwe anaasɛ ɔrennom, nanso wopɛ sɛ..tow gu wosow mu!

Hack 3. Ɔde ne nsa kyerɛɛ ne so
Sɛ ɛho hia sɛ wode wo ba no kɔ abɔnten bere a woreyɛ adwuma bi a..fa wɔn gu pack mu na di agoru na fa fitted sheet gu so. Eyi bɛma wɔanya sunsuma na wɔatwe wɔn ho afi mmoawa ho!

Hack 4. Ɔde ne nsa kyerɛɛ ne so
Sɛ wo ba te sɛ me deɛ, na n’ani gye bɛyɛ aduaba fã pɛ wɔ bere koro mu a..Twi wɔn banana no mu mmienu, peel sɛ banana ketewa, na sie nea aka no! Wubetumi de nnuaba akɛse biara ayɛ eyi de ayi nwura afi hɔ.

7 nsɛmmisa a ɛfa m’akwantu no ho

Bere bɛn na wobɛyɛɛ ɔwofo?

Bere a midii mfe 28 no. :)

Na wo ba a odi kan no fie anadwo a ɛto so 1 no te dɛn?

Nea eye sen biara. Ɛyɛɛ me dɛ paa sɛ yɛwɔ fie wɔ yɛn berebuw a ɛyɛ fɛ no mu ne yɛn ɔdɔ foforo no!

Dɛn ne ade a ɛyɛ den sen biara wɔ ɔwofo a obi bɛyɛ mu?

Bere a menya ama me ho.

Dɛn ne super power a wopɛ sɛ wunya?

Wɔn nyinaa, LOL. Misusuw sɛ sɛ ɛsɛ sɛ mepaw biako a, SPEED. M’ani begye ho sɛ metumi awie nnwuma te sɛ ntadehoro wɔ bere no fã mu!

Ɛhe na abusua akwamma beae a w’ani gye ho paa wɔ?

Big Sur, CA, na ɛwɔ hɔ.

Dɛn ne ade a w’ani gye ho paa sɛ wo ne wo kiddo(s) bɛyɛ?

Abɔnten so akwantu ahorow. M’ani gye ho ankasa sɛ mɛhwɛ sɛnea ɔrehwehwɛ nneɛma ne mmeae a ɛwɔ abɔde mu.

Wobɛyɛ dɛn ama wo ho atɔ wo wɔ awofoyɛ mu adwennwen ho?

M’ani gye ho sɛ mɛdwennwen, tie audio books ne podcasts, paint, na meyɛ nsaanodwuma..bere a metumi anya bere! :)

Here are my personal favorites...

Hope you like them too!